So it's been over a year of nothing, partially due to procrastination and partly due to waiting for something to become available for purchase that ended up being a much longer wait than expected. But that wait is coming to an end now, and I'm hoping to finally be more active here in the next few months. I've updated the site a little with some inspiration from Colin McRae Rally 2.0, one of the games I played a lot as a kid. There has been a few changes to my plans however.

One of the things I was initially planning on doing was highlighting various old Java phone games as I sorted through my huge backlog of uncategorized downloads. I have decided to put this on the backburner for a while to focus my attention on a smaller amount of things. When I will revisit this idea (or if I will at all) I do not know, but I would still like to do it at some point.

Then there's the main thing, the series of posts where I planned to play through the PS2's vast library chronologically. I am still very much interested in doing this, but I came to the decision a number of months back to switch over to doing the PS1 first. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that the current state of both the disc image playback solutions for real hardware and PS2 emulation on PC is such that I would inevitably run into a few games which I couldn't cover due to either not being able to run them properly or running into glitches that negatively affect my experience with the game. Whereas solutions for playing original PlayStation games are in a much better state, especially with it now being supported by the MiSTer which I thankfully managed to get my hands on recently. The other is that I was planning to dig into the PS1's library anyway just so I could compare certain PS2 games to previous titles in the same series released on the previous console. I will definitely get around to doing this eventually with the PS2 like I originally planned, but PS1 is just the easier option for me currently. Additionally, I have also decided to play games in order based on their product number rather than their release date, as it means I don't have to compile a list of games and when they released beforehand.

I'm going to be streaming my initial playthoughs over on my Twitch, starting with the original Ridge Racer hopefully sometime this week. I'm hoping to have my initial introductory post on the PS1 out this week as well, but I won't be surprised if that ends up taking longer. However long it takes, I hope whoever ends up reading these posts gets at least some enjoyment out of them.